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Violation Tracker UK Summary for Offence Group

Offence Group: financial offences
Penalty Total since 2010£5,018,683,702
Number of Penalty Cases: 4,197
Note: Includes records/cases without monetary penalties.
Top 10 Parent CompaniesTotal PenaltyNumber of Cases
NatWest Group PLC£350,251,2569
JPMorgan Chase£174,006,2003
Banco Santander£173,488,9006
Standard Chartered£169,185,0103
Deutsche Bank£167,795,0242
Goldman Sachs£148,461,5004

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyParent sort iconParent Major IndustryOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
Brown McLeod Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2019UK-ICAEW£1,050
Brownrok Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2021UK-HMRC£1,125
Brynmawr Tandoori Balti House tax violations2018UK-HMRC£32,508
BSS & Co (Accountancy Services) Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-ICAEW£700
BSS NW Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£28,368
BT Bricks tax violations2023UK-HMRC£25,913
BTC (London) Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£12,411
Buckle Barton Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2019UK-ICAEW£1,000
Buckley Watson Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2023UK-ICAEW£4,110
Buco Digital Limited tax violations2022UK-HMRC£19,488
Build n' Glass tax violations2022UK-HMRC£210,142
Building Solutions tax violations2023UK-HMRC£18,091
Bukhoor Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£33,004
Bull & Co. Solicitors LLP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2024UK-SRA£8,177
Bullet Scaffolding Limited tax violations2019UK-HMRC£34,607
Buon Appetito Hove Limited tax violations2016UK-HMRC£24,363
Burgoyne Plumbing & Heating tax violations2017UK-HMRC£61,854
Burleighs Gin Limited. fka 45 West Distillers Limited. tax violations2022UK-HMRC£63,939
Burnley Road Off Licence tax violations2023UK-HMRC£37,460
Burrows anti-money-laundering deficiencies2024UK-SRA£12,989
Bush & Co Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£2,100
Bushwood Associates Limited ASP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£3,450
Business Autopilot Ltd ASP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£3,800
Business Equilibrium Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2019UK-ICAEW£2,700
Business Focus & Systems Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2014UK-ICAEW£10,442
Business Networks Management Ltd dba Zambezi Business Mangement Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£4,351,395
Business Services MK Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£145,684
Businex Ltd ASP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£2,668
Butler & Eves Ltd dba Samsons tax violations2017UK-HMRC£25,014
Butterworth Barlow Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2018UK-ICAEW£6,896
Buying Agent Partnership (Kerry Arnold) Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£1,750
Buzzacott LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£15,795
Buzzacott LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2018UK-ICAEW£464
BVM Consultancy Services Limited tax violations2023UK-HMRC£14,969
BVN Partners LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-ICAEW£6,455
BW Medical Accountants Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2021UK-ICAEW£6,000
BWM Accountants Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2023UK-ICAEW£3,500
BWR Trading Limited tax violations2023UK-HMRC£163,729
C And D Trading Group Inc dba Supreme Value tax violations2019UK-HMRC£62,468
C and V Leisure Limited tax violations2017UK-HMRC£33,985
C E Mechanical Services tax violations2019UK-HMRC£108,292
C H London Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2017UK-ICAEW£3,000
C M Simplified Solutions Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£46,471
C Mann Construction Limited tax violations2022UK-HMRC£850,781
C&L Cleaning and Drylining Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£40,318
C.J. Lucking & Co accounting fraud or deficiencies2018UK-ICAEW£1,000
C.J. Pizza Limited dba Lonestar Pizza tax violations2020UK-HMRC£49,169
C.J.M Tiling Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£90,154
C4C Investments Limited fka Cardboard 4 Cash Limited tax violations2024UK-HMRC£162,587
C5 Clothing tax violations2021UK-HMRC£15,572
Cabezo Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£804,212
Cadwallader & Co LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2021UK-ICAEW£2,856
Cafe 96 tax violations2019UK-HMRC£23,539
Cafe Cod tax violations2019UK-HMRC£212,430
Cafe Jeera Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£54,825
Cafe TJ Limited tax violations2019UK-HMRC£15,863
Cafe Zoot Limited tax violations2020UK-HMRC£1,340,674
Cain Maylum Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£31,574
Cakes and Bakes tax violations2017UK-HMRC£32,234
Calicon and Associates accounting fraud or deficiencies2018UK-ICAEW£1,000
Cam 3228 Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£24,324
Camac Engineering Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£64,660
Camden Kebab Ltd dba Real Taste tax violations2018UK-HMRC£78,475
Cameron & Associates Ltd accounting fraud or deficiencies2021UK-ICAEW£1,292
Campbell Cairns EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£2,750
Campbell Property Consultants Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£2,585
Canal View Bus Cafe Limited tax violations2023UK-HMRC£39,799
Canale Residential Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£1,250
Canara BankCanara Bankfinancial servicesanti-money-laundering deficiencies2018UK-FCA£896,100
Candy Restaurant tax violations2016UK-HMRC£24,288
Canim Fruit and Veg (Sheffield) Limited tax violations2019UK-HMRC£38,925
Cannards Well Limited tax violations2019UK-HMRC£37,844
Cannon Street Business Centre Limited TCSP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£1,750
Canova Fine Arts Limited AMP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£10,000
Canova Fine Arts Limited AMP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£10,000
Canuta Interiors Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£108,856
CAP Accountancy Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-ICAEW£700
CAP10 Limited dba Indian Palace Takeaway tax violations2018UK-HMRC£27,716
Cape Verde Property Investmnets Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£4,500
Capital Bookkeeping Services Limited ASP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2021UK-HMRC£1,500
Capital Care Investments Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£2,703
Capital Impex Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£257,029
Capital International Limited anti-money-laundering deficiencies2024UK-IOM£119,596
Capital Solutions Limited investor protection violation2017UK-GFSC£0
Cappawhite Plant Hire Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£32,464
Carbon Technologies Group PLC tax violations2018UK-HMRC£19,174
Care Asset Management Limited investor protection violation2013UK-FSA£56,000
Caribbean Legal Services Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2021UK-HMRC£11,347
Carillion plc investor protection violation2022UK-FCA£0
Carlane Construction Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£69,389
Carlos Gardening Services Limited tax violations2023UK-HMRC£57,674
Carlton Buildings tax violations2023UK-HMRC£4,225,950
Carlton Gate Marketing Company Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£4,500
Carmarthen Construction Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£21,044
Carndale Enterprises Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£940,429
Carpenter & Co anti-money-laundering deficiencies2024UK-SRA£14,122
Carpenter Box Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2023UK-ICAEW£7,000
Carr's BK Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£105,395
Carter Backer Winter LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-ICAEW£3,986
Carter Backer Winter LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2016UK-ICAEW£4,368
Carter Chatila Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£10,000