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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case
Company: Wilds Ltd
Company City/Town: Manchester
Company Nation/Region: England
Penalty: £500
Year: 2017
Date: 9 June, 2017
Offence Group: financial offences
Offence Type: accounting fraud or deficiencies
Violation Description: Wilds Ltd,Lancaster House, 70-76 Blackburn Street, Radcliffe, Manchester, M26 2JW, has agreed to pay a regulatory penalty of £500, which was decided by the Audit Registration Committee. This was in view of the firm's admitted breach of audit regulation 2.03b for failing to ensure that the majority of the firm's voting rights were held by audit qualified individuals or registered auditors.
Action Type: agency action
Settlement Type: Audit Registration Committee decision
Agency: Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Source of Data:
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