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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: Loop Interiors London LLP and Loop Interiors Ltd.
Penalty: £1,090,816
Year: 2019
Date: 12 April, 2019
Offence Group: competition-related offences
Offence Type: price-fixing or anti-competitive practices
Violation Description: Loop paid a £1,090,816 fine in settlement of a decision by the CMA that it took part in cartels to engage in cover bidding over competitive tenders for services such as fit-out, design and refurbishment of commercial and non-residential premises. The actions were intended to artificially reduce competition and raise prices. Other companies that admitted to anti-competitive behaviour were Fourfront, Coriolis, ThirdWay and Oakley. Bluu, Tetris and Jones Lang LaSalle were granted immunity from fines under the leniency programme for coming forward before the investigation and providing information, while Loop received a 25% discount to its fine for cooperation and providing information.
Action Type: agency action
Settlement Type: Settlement and Leniency agreement with CMA
Case Number: 50481
Agency: Competition and Markets Authority
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