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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: Franklin Hodge Industries Ltd. and Carter Thermal Industries Ltd.
Penalty: £2,015,135
Year: 2016
Date: 19 December, 2016
Offence Group: competition-related offences
Offence Type: price-fixing or anti-competitive practices
Violation Description: Franklin Hodge Industries Ltd. paid a £2,015,135 fine in settlement of a decision by the CMA that the company engaged in a cartel to increase prices of galvanised steel tanks by sharing information to rig bids and fix prices. The other companies involved were Galglass Ltd., Kondea Water Supplies Ltd. (KW Supplies Ltd. was its economic successor), and CST Industries (UK) Ltd. CST industries was granted immunity from fines having brought the behaviour to the attention of the CMA and cooperated with the investigation, and Franklin Hodge qualified for a reduced fine for cooperation, under the CMA leniency policy.
Action Type: agency action
Settlement Type: Settlement with the CMA
Agency: Competition and Markets Authority
Source of Data(click here)