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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case
Company: Chemtura Corp. and Chemtura Manufacturing UK Ltd.
Current Parent Company:
Parent at the Time of the Penalty Announcement: Chemtura
Recap of Ownership Changes: Lanxess acquired Chemtura in 2017.
Penalty: £60,000,000
Year: 2011
Date: 1 May, 2011
Offence Group: employment-related offences
Offence Type: pension plan violation
Violation Description: Chemtura and the Great Lakes UK Limited Pension Plan agreed to a settlement with £60 million support for the pension fund after concerns by TPR that the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of Chemtura in the US threatened the financial position of the fund.
Action Type: agency action
Settlement Type: Settlement after warning notice from TPR
Agency: The Pensions Regulator
HQ Country of Parent: Germany
Ownership Structure of Parent: publicly traded
Major Industry of Parent: chemicals
Specific Industry of Parent: chemicals
Source of Data:
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