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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case

Company: AWPR B-T Construction Joint Venture
Company City/Town: Stonehaven
Company Nation/Region: Scotland
Penalty: £152,808
Year: 2017
Date: 13 December, 2017
Offence Group: environment-related offences
Offence Type: environmental violation
Violation Description: AWPR B-T Construction Joint Venture agreed to an Enforcement Undertaking to improve the site, pay £47,958 towards SEPA costs and provide £40,000 for car park improvement at Newtonhill Community Centre, £1,850 for litter picking equipment, £21,000 for the purchase of a fish counter, £20,000 to the Maryculter Woodland Trust, £20,000 for benches and path works at the River Don and Loirston Loch and £2,000 for treatment of invasive species in settlement of breaches of water environment regulations.
Action Type: agency action
Settlement Type: Enforcement Undertaking
Agency: Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Source of Data(click here)