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Violation Tracker UK Individual Case
Company: Barclays Bank Plc
Current Parent Company:
Parent at the Time of the Penalty Announcement: Barclays
Penalty: £10,860,743
Year: 2022
Date: 28 February, 2022
Offence Group: consumer-protection-related offences
Offence Type: consumer protection violation
Violation Description: Barclays was fined £783,800 following a finding by the FCA that it failed to conduct business with due skill, care and diligence in providing banking services to Premier FX without checking for deficiencies in the company's activities. Barclays also made a voluntary payment of £10,076,943 to refund the customers who lost money when Premier FX went bankrupt.
Action Type: agency action
Agency: Financial Conduct Authority
HQ Country of Parent: United Kingdom
Ownership Structure of Parent: publicly traded
Major Industry of Parent: financial services
Specific Industry of Parent: banking
Source of Data:
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