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10 Violation Tracker UK results found

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CompanyParentParent Major IndustryOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Cargill PLCCargillagribusinessworkplace safety or health violation2012UK-HSE£620,095
Cargill PLCCargillagribusinessworkplace safety or health violation2010UK-HSE£47,484
Provimi LimitedCargillagribusinessworkplace safety or health violation2011UK-HSE£11,924
Cargill PLCCargillagribusinessclimate change regime violation2016UK-EA£8,188
Sun Valley Foods Limited t/as Cargill Meats Europe UKCargillagribusinesslabour standards violation2017UK-ET£4,583
Cargills Metro UK Limited dba Zordels labour standards violation2018UK-BEIS£1,243
Ewos LimitedCargillagribusinessworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Ewos LimitedCargillagribusinessworkplace safety or health violation2019UK-HSE£0
Sun Valley Foods LtdCargillagribusinessenvironmental violation2013UK-EA£0
CARGILL PLCCargillagribusinessenvironmental violation2021UK-EA£0