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10 Violation Tracker UK results found

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyParentParent Major IndustryOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount sort icon
Macquarie Bank LimitedMacquariefinancial servicesinvestor protection violation2024UK-FCA£13,031,400
Associated Waste Management LimitedMacquariefinancial servicesworkplace safety or health violation2021UK-HSE£776,170
Southern WaterMacquariefinancial serviceswater pollution violation2024UK-EA£348,945
Roadchef LimitedMacquariefinancial serviceslabour standards violation2024UK-BEIS£119,272
Southern Water Services LtdMacquariefinancial serviceswater pollution violation2022UK-DWI£65,571
Southern WaterMacquariefinancial servicesconsumer protection violation2023UK-OFWAT£0
SCOTWASTE RECYCLING LIMITEDMacquariefinancial servicesenvironmental violation2023UK-SEPA£0
Southern WaterMacquariefinancial serviceswater services violation2022UK-OFWAT£0
Southern WaterMacquariefinancial serviceswater pollution violation2023UK-DWI£0
Southern WaterMacquariefinancial serviceswater pollution violation2022UK-DWI£0