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Violation Tracker UK Parent Company Summary

Parent Company Name: CareTech Holdings
Ownership Structure: privately held
Headquartered in: United Kingdom
Major Industry: healthcare services
Specific Industry: healthcare services
Penalty total since 2010£73,238
Number of cases: 58
Top Offence Groups (Groups Defined)Penalty TotalNumber of Cases
employment-related offences£73,2387
healthcare-related offences£029
safety-related offences£022
Top Offence TypesPenalty TotalNumber of Cases
labour standards violation£73,2387
care quality violation£029
childcare and educational services violation£022
Note: Parent-subsidiary linkages are based on current relationships and may vary from what was the case when a violation occurred.

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case.

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Company sort iconOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
Cambian Autism Services Ltd Dorset Residential special school (registered as a children's home)childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Beverley Schoolchildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limitedlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£26,100
Cambian Childcare Limitedlabour standards violation2018UK-ET£12,256
Cambian Childcare Limited Birmingham Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Bradford Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Dudley Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Durham Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited East Riding of Yorkshire Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Halton Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Halton Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Middlesbrough Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited North Yorkshire Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited North Yorkshire Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Stoke-on-Trent Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Warrington Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Limited Warrington Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Childcare Ltdlabour standards violation2021UK-ET£57
Cambian Devonchildcare and educational services violation2023UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Dilston Collegechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Group Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£8,723
Cambian Group Plclabour standards violation2018UK-ET£6,714
Cambian Lufton Collegechildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Lufton Collegechildcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Southwick Park Schoolchildcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2021UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2021UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2021UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2021UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
Cambian Whinfell School Ltdcare quality violation2022UK-CIW£0
CareTech Community Services Limitedcare quality violation2023UK-CQC£0
Caretech Community Services Ltdlabour standards violation2022UK-ET£18,212
CareTech UK Ltdlabour standards violation2023UK-ET£1,176
Coveberry Limitedcare quality violation2021UK-CQC£0
Coveberry Limitedcare quality violation2022UK-CQC£0
EQL Solutions Limitedchildcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
ROC Northwest Limited Lancashire Children's homechildcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0