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Violation Tracker UK Summary for Offence Group

Offence Group: safety-related offences
Penalty Total since 2010£627,575,199
Number of Penalty Cases: 59,633
Note: Includes records/cases without monetary penalties.
Top 10 Parent CompaniesTotal PenaltyNumber of Cases
Network Rail£26,894,270136
Tata Group£9,060,13840
Kier Group PLC£9,039,60210
Balfour Beatty£7,572,57628
National Gas Transmission PLC£7,209,7456
Veolia Group£6,034,60421
Valero Energy£6,000,0001
Royal BAM Group£5,960,22612
Merlin Entertainments Limited£5,277,0043
Northern Gas Networks£5,134,94018

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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CompanyParentParent Major IndustryOffence Type sort iconYearAgencyPenalty Amount
Club V Chiswick Riverside childcare and educational services violation2023UK-OFSTED£0
Location Teddington childcare and educational services violation2023UK-OFSTED£0
Qualifications for Industry "QFI" childcare and educational services violation2024UK-OFQUAL£50,000
Mechinoh School childcare and educational services violation2024UK-OFSTED£0
Lord's School childcare and educational services violation2024UK-OFSTED£0
Birmingham Independent College childcare and educational services violation2024UK-OFSTED£0
Abbey College in Malvern childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Horton House School childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Abbey Rose School childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Above Bar College Limited childcare and educational services violation2013UK-OFSTED£0
Abu Bakr Boys School childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Academy Training Group Limited childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Activ8 Learning childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Active Lifestyles childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Age UK Milton KeynesAge UKmiscellaneous serviceschildcare and educational services violation2011UK-OFSTED£0
Age UK Trading CICAge UKmiscellaneous serviceschildcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0
Agility People Services Limited childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Al Ashraaf Secondary School childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Al Khair childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Al Khair childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Al-Furqan Solihull childcare and educational services violation2020UK-OFSTED£0
Al-Ihsaan Community College childcare and educational services violation2020UK-OFSTED£0
All Spring Media Limited childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Alpha Building Services Engineering Ltd childcare and educational services violation2015UK-OFSTED£0
Ameina Community Education childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Ampleforth College childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Andalusia Academy Bristol childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Andalusia Academy Bristol childcare and educational services violation2020UK-OFSTED£0
Andalusia Academy Bristol childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Andalusia Academy Bristol childcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0
Applied Educational Solutions childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Applied Educational Solutions childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
ARC Academy UK Limited childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Arcanum Solutions Ltd childcare and educational services violation2012UK-OFSTED£0
Arthur Rank Training Unit childcare and educational services violation2012UK-OFSTED£0
Ashwicke Hall School childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Bales College childcare and educational services violation2013UK-OFSTED£0
Barbara Speake Schools for Performing Arts childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Barford Education and Training (North East) Limited childcare and educational services violation2015UK-OFSTED£0
Barford Education and Training (North East) Limited childcare and educational services violation2012UK-OFSTED£0
Be A Better You Training Limited childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Be Totally You childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Beats Learning Limited childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Beis Hatalmud School childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Beis Medrash Elyon childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Beis Medrash Elyon childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Beis Ruchel D'Satmer London childcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0
Beis Ruchel D'Satmer London childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Beyond 2030 childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Big Picture Doncaster childcare and educational services violation2020UK-OFSTED£0
Birmingham Muslim School childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Birmingham Rathbone Society childcare and educational services violation2012UK-OFSTED£0
Blackstone Secondary School childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Blake College LLP childcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0
Bloomfield School childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
BlueSCI childcare and educational services violation2011UK-OFSTED£0
Blue Training (U.K.) Limited childcare and educational services violation2015UK-OFSTED£0
Bobov Primary Boys School childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Bobov Primary Boys School childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Bobov Primary Boys School childcare and educational services violation2015UK-OFSTED£0
E. H. Booths & Co. Limited childcare and educational services violation2012UK-OFSTED£0
Bowling College childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Bowling College childcare and educational services violation2010UK-OFSTED£0
Brighton & Hove Montessori School childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Browns School childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Browns School childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Build a Future Independent SchoolG Square Capitalprivate equity (including portfolio companies)childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Building Engineering Services Training Limited childcare and educational services violation2015UK-OFSTED£0
Business Impact UK Limited childcare and educational services violation2015UK-OFSTED£0
Business Training Enterprise Ltd childcare and educational services violation2013UK-OFSTED£0
Buttercup Primary School childcare and educational services violation2017UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Beverley SchoolCareTech Holdingshealthcare serviceschildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Dilston CollegeCareTech Holdingshealthcare serviceschildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Lufton CollegeCareTech Holdingshealthcare serviceschildcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Lufton CollegeCareTech Holdingshealthcare serviceschildcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Cambian Southwick Park SchoolCareTech Holdingshealthcare serviceschildcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0
Camp Hill Education childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Camphill Wakefield (Pennine Camphill Community Ltd) childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
CAN Training childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Cannon Hill Girls' School childcare and educational services violation2020UK-OFSTED£0
Career Development Center Limited childcare and educational services violation2014UK-OFSTED£0
Carmel Christian School childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Carmel Christian School childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Carrick Alternative Provision Academy childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Castles Futures Scunthorpe childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Catch 22 childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Catch 22 Include Bristol childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
CCP Graduate School Ltd childcare and educational services violation2010UK-OFSTED£0
CCP Graduate School Ltd childcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0
CDB Training Ltd childcare and educational services violation2020UK-OFSTED£0
Central Birmingham Education Centre childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Central Training UK Limited childcare and educational services violation2012UK-OFSTED£0
Chamber Training (Humber) Limited childcare and educational services violation2021UK-OFSTED£0
Charlton House School Limited childcare and educational services violation2020UK-OFSTED£0
Charlton House School Limited childcare and educational services violation2022UK-OFSTED£0
Chelmer Training Limited childcare and educational services violation2014UK-OFSTED£0
Chic Beauty Academy Ltd childcare and educational services violation2018UK-OFSTED£0
Choices 4 All childcare and educational services violation2011UK-OFSTED£0
Choices 4 All childcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0
Chosen Care Group Limited childcare and educational services violation2019UK-OFSTED£0
Citroen U.K. LimitedStellantismotor vehicleschildcare and educational services violation2016UK-OFSTED£0