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Violation Tracker UK Summary for Offence Group

Offence Group: financial offences
Penalty Total since 2010£5,018,683,702
Number of Penalty Cases: 4,197
Note: Includes records/cases without monetary penalties.
Top 10 Parent CompaniesTotal PenaltyNumber of Cases
NatWest Group PLC£350,251,2569
JPMorgan Chase£174,006,2003
Banco Santander£173,488,9006
Standard Chartered£169,185,0103
Deutsche Bank£167,795,0242
Goldman Sachs£148,461,5004

Individual Penalty Cases:

Click on the company or penalty amount for more information on each case. Click on the parent name to reach the summary page for that parent company.

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Company sort iconParentParent Major IndustryOffence TypeYearAgencyPenalty Amount
Barclays Bank plcBarclaysfinancial servicesinvestor protection violation2011UK-FSA£7,700,000
Barclays Bank UK plc and Barclays Bank plcBarclaysfinancial servicesbanking violation2019UK-CMA£1,910
Barclays Capital Securities LimitedBarclaysfinancial servicesinvestor protection violation2011UK-FSA£1,127,559
Barclays plcBarclaysfinancial servicesinvestor protection violation2024UK-FCA£30,000,000
Baring Fine Art Ltd AMP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£5,800
Barkat Cuisine Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£18,726
Barking & Dagenham Properties Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£51,100
Barley Wines Supermarket Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£23,041
Barlow Andrews LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2015UK-ICAEW£15,880
Barnbrook Sinclair Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£1,050
Barnes Business Services Ltd accounting fraud or deficiencies2019UK-ICAEW£2,131
Barns Farmhouse Bed & Breakfast (The) tax violations2018UK-HMRC£15,206
Barnstone Accountancy & Management Ltd ASP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£7,200
Bartrace Enterprises Ltd dba The Green Lady tax violations2017UK-HMRC£30,911
BAS Associates Ltd accounting fraud or deficiencies2022UK-ICAEW£2,487
Basil Restaurant Limited tax violations2018UK-HMRC£98,854
Basil Traders Limited tax violations2020UK-HMRC£99,255
Bastion Capital London Limited anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-FCA£2,452,700
Batesons accounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-ICAEW£700
Bathroom Bliss Scotland Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£10,644
Bawarchi Restaurant tax violations2022UK-HMRC£45,459
Baxters accounting fraud or deficiencies2017UK-ICAEW£8,000
Bayonne Estates Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£7,600
Bayzos Estate Agents Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£12,800
Bazalgette Tunnel Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2023UK-OFWAT£0
BBK Partnership accounting fraud or deficiencies2018UK-ICAEW£4,805
BBN Grill Limited dba Big Bowl Noodle Bar tax violations2019UK-HMRC£11,323
BBQD Ltd tax violations2023UK-HMRC£31,797
BC Bespoke Joinery Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£13,676
BCD Accountants Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2019UK-ICAEW£1,600
BCL Industrial Concrete Floors Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£17,556
BDConstruct Ltd tax violations2022UK-HMRC£32,464
BDE Consultancy Ltd ASP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£3,700
BDO LimitedBDO Internationalbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2018UK-ICAEW£2,593
BDO LLPBDO Internationalbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£24,713
BDO LLPBDO Internationalbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£142,198
BDO LLPBDO Internationalbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-FRC£160,000
BDO LLPBDO Internationalbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2018UK-ICAEW£3,500
BDO LLPBDO Internationalbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2021UK-ICAEW£14,683
BDO LLPBDO Internationalbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2023UK-ICAEW£3,635
BDO LLPBDO Internationalbusiness servicesaccounting fraud or deficiencies2023UK-ICAEW£49,873
BDSwiss Holding Plc investor protection violation2021UK-FCA£0
BDSwiss Holding Plc investor protection violation2021UK-FCA£0
Beacon Wills and Probate Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2019UK-ICAEW£1,000
Bear Joe Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£13,100
Bearsden Foods Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£13,202
Beatrice Carter Property Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£1,350
Beaumont Contracts Ltd. fka Linton Contractors Ltd and Linton Decorators Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£318,746
Beaumont Street Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£82,125
Beaver Log Cabins Limited tax violations2021UK-HMRC£47,062
Beeston Construction Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£21,170
Beever and Struthers accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£1,572
Beever and Struthers accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£6,510
Begbies accounting fraud or deficiencies2016UK-ICAEW£2,400
Beighton Singh Limited anti-money-laundering deficiencies2024UK-SRA£19,482
Belfers Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£3,000
Belgrave Motor Company Ltd anti-money-laundering deficiencies2020UK-HMRC£2,226
Bell & Co Estates Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£3,900
Bell Windows (NI) Limited tax violations2021UK-HMRC£21,637
Belle Green Mini Market tax violations2018UK-HMRC£69,698
Bellissima Fine Wines Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£34,752
Bellside Development Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£15,429
Belvedere Homes (UK) Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£172,042
Belvoir Printing Limited tax violations2022UK-HMRC£47,547
Benassi & Company Ltd dba Slice tax violations2019UK-HMRC£41,925
Benedicts Consultants Surveyors Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£4,500
Bengal Dynasty of Market Ltd tax violations2020UK-HMRC£12,324
Bennett And Co Estate Agents Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£7,000
Benson Wood Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-ICAEW£700
Beraca Art Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£66,136
Beresfords accounting fraud or deficiencies2021UK-ICAEW£4,200
Beresfords accounting fraud or deficiencies2020UK-ICAEW£4,000
Berkeley Townsend accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£509
Berkshire Wealth LLP TCSP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£3,740
Bernard Lister & Co Ltd ASP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£2,750
Bernham Ltd tax violations2017UK-HMRC£15,361
Berwyn Construction Ltd tax violations2020UK-HMRC£79,936
Besso LimitedArdonagh Groupfinancial servicesinvestor protection violation2014UK-FCA£315,000
Best Kebab tax violations2023UK-HMRC£51,668
Best Kebabs (Limbury) Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£34,012
Bevan-Evans & Capehorn Solicitors LLP anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-SRA£4,000
Bevells Estates Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£3,300
Bevells Estates Ltd EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£3,300
Bewar Food Store tax violations2018UK-HMRC£38,951
Beycafe Ltd dba Frenchgate Cafe tax violations2019UK-HMRC£112,984
BFE Brays Ltd accounting fraud or deficiencies2021UK-ICAEW£1,400
BGC Brokers LP and GFI Brokers Ltd and GFI Securities Ltd investor protection violation2022UK-FCA£4,775,200
BGM Helmores Limited accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£1,984
BH2 EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£44,054
Bhinda Sahota Construction Ltd tax violations2018UK-HMRC£42,359
BHP LLP accounting fraud or deficiencies2024UK-ICAEW£49,032
Biberetto Ltd tax violations2021UK-HMRC£51,339
Bideshi Ltd dba Desii Restaurant tax violations2018UK-HMRC£23,387
Bigs Agri Engineering tax violations2018UK-HMRC£12,236
Bill Dane Property Sales Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2022UK-HMRC£5,600
Billericay Developments Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£20,982
Bilston High Street Fish Bar Ltd tax violations2019UK-HMRC£113,020
Binda Sahota Construction Ltd tax violations2024UK-HMRC£169,744
Bio Wave Services Limited tax violations2024UK-HMRC£98,978
Birch Vehicle Sales Ltd tax violations2022UK-HMRC£18,479
Birchall Steel Limited EAB anti-money-laundering deficiencies2023UK-HMRC£14,500